Monday, 7 February 2011

In the Begining...

Hello and welcome to PRG Tavern. I hope over the next few months this blog will become a hive of RPG based activity, the aim? To spread ideas and knowledge around with other players.

This is the first post on the site and so I won't get anything started right now, but I will give you an overview on what I am trying to do and why you should follow this blog. But first, a bit about me.

I started roleplaying nearly 10 years ago now, D&D and WFB mainly but with a bit of white wolf and masquerade as well. Since then I've played in more campaigns than I like to admit and have as well as GM more than a few (I find myself GM more than player now).

It's fair to say, that D&D 3.5 makes up the main stay of my roleplay campaigns, its a system that is simply a joy to play, yes there are some odd bits in it, but that's what makes it fun. That said, more recently I have been enjoying more realistic approach to my games, less fantasy more real life occult wigeewoo (term coined I believe by Jeff, check it the glossary when you have time) in a D100 setting. (This specific game will be discussed in a later post.

Besides roleplays I also engage in table top wargaming and fictional writing, these three often cross into each
other creating a nice mixing pot of inspiration for one and other. I often post wargames related articles on my own blog,
And am currently a guest blogger at,

So, why put up a blog? Well, I always think the best thing about paper based RPG's is the social side of things. Meeting a groups of mates once a week (or however often you meet) is great not only or your game but also for yourselves, human interaction enriches us all. A big part of that interaction is sharing ideas and stories about character or campaigns of old so, why not widen the net from three or four people to anyone in the world?

The plan is to make this the go to place for ideas, campaign packs, fan fiction, character builds, free rules sets, system reviews and anything else RPG related. Soon I hope to have some guest bloggers on board so if you thin you have something to post about, drop me an email at If the idea is cool, it will get posted, that simple!

So, keep your eyes peeled for upcoming posts. I should be posting at least once a week if not more. Until next time, may the dice gods smile upon thee and thy dice cup never be empty.

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